Sunday, July 3, 2011

Why I started Gimp User Group

I'm fascinated with 3D and spend a lot of my spare time in Second Life. My interests are creating my own clothes, building 3D models and photography. I looked for classes and tutorials, but what I found didn't find what met my schedule or fit my budget. I learn better in a group setting, and enjoy talking about what I learn. What I found so far is some basic resources both within Second Life and online. I set up a location in Second Life and created prim boards that contain the links to GIMP groups and tutorials. I'm announcing my project today to my friends list and will have the first meetings over the weekend. It's a holiday weekend, so I'm hoping those bored with barbecue's and holiday fun will attend. Initial Group meetings last an hour and are on Sunday, July 3rd at 5:00 PM PST and Monday July 4th at 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM PST. Location at the Marketplace on Beauty South sim. Anyone is welcome to attend. SURL:

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